Nick Hiatt
Art Director, Matte Painter, Concept Artist
Home page
Home page
Matte Painting
Concept Art
Unreal Engine
'Spider Man' : Across the Spider-Verse
'Star Wars : The Force Awakens' : Matte Painting
'Destiny 2' : Matte Painting
'Fable 4' : Matte Painting
'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania'
'12 Strong' : Matte Painting
'Love Death and Robots' : Matte Painting
'Destiny 2' : Matte Painting
'Star Wars : The Force Awakens' - Matte Painting
Spider Man : Into the Spider Verse
'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' : Concept Art
Star Wars : Episode 7 - Matte Painting
'Lord of the Rings' : 'Shadows of Mordor' / Matte Painting
12 Strong : Matte Painting
'Destiny 2' : Matte Painting
'The Orville' : 'New Horizons' - Krill City
'West World' : Matte Painting
'Spider Man' : Across the Spider-Verse
'Love Death and Robots' : Matte Painting
"Agrius" : 'Dart M1A'
'End of Simulation'
'Thor: The Dark World' Matte Painting
'Mission Impossible : Rogue Nation' / Matte Painting
'Star Wars : Episode 7' - Matte Painting Layer Build
'Star Wars : The Force Awakens' / Matte Painting
'the Orville' : Moclan Outpost
'League of Legends' : Matte Painting
'Star Wars' : The Force Awakens / Concept Art
'Shrine Sentry'
'Destiny 2' : Matte Painting
'Star Wars" : The Force Awakens / Concept Art
Star Wars : Episode 7 - Matte Painting
Star Wars : The Force Awakens - Matte Painting
'12 Strong' : Matte Painting Reel
Concept Design Reel : 2024
'Oblivion' Matte Painting
'Star Trek' : Beyond / Matte Painting
'Agrius : Landing Pad Dusk'
'the Orville' : 'New Horizons' / Holodeck
'Desert Citadel'
10 Cloverfield Lane : Concept Art
'The Orville' : 'New Horizons' / Krill Great Hall
'Agrius' : Landing Pad
'Rainbow 6 Siege' : Matte Painting
'Destiny 2' : Matte Painting
'The Orville' : New Horizons / Krill Amphitheater
'Those Who Survive'
'The Division' : Matte Painting
'The Orville' : 'New Horizons' / Krill Great Hall
Halo 2 : Remake - Matte Painting
Star Wars :The Old Republic's Fallen Empire : Matte Painting
'Destiny 2' Cinematic Matte Painting
Matte Painting : '2012'
Star Trek: Beyond - Concept Art
'Destiny 2' : Cinematic Matte Paintings - Layer Build
'Symphony of Destruction'
Concept Painting from 'Oz the Great and Powerful'
'The Orville' : New Horizons / Alien Space Station
'Agrius' : Landing Pad
'the Orville' : Moclan Basin
Doom : Fight like Hell Cinematic - Matte Paintings / Concept Art
'Those Who Survive'
'Keg Bot'
'The Orville' : Matte Painting Layer Builds
Concept art from '300 : Rise of an Empire'
'the Orville' : Moclan Outpost Sequence
'Wrath of the Titans' : Matte Painting
'The Orville' : New Horizons / Kaylon Suburb
'Destiny 2' : Cinematic Concept Art
'Immortals' : Matte Painting
'Mirror Mirror' : Matte Painting
Stylized Landscape
Matte Painting : Show Reel 2019
Island Base : Planet Dionysium
'The Orville' : Matte Painting
Learn Squared : '3D Sequence Illustration' Course
'Oz the Great and Powerful' : Matte Painting
'Party Pad'
'Harvest Sector'
'Elder Scrolls' Matte Painting
'Cat Dot Blue'
'The Orville' : 'New Horizons' - Planets
Digital Illustration : Vol 1 (Tutorial)
Concept Painting from 'Oz the Great and Powerful'
'White Rabbit'
'Daaaammmn!' Lil Sets : 'Friday'
'Crystal Blue'
‘Indeed’ / Lil Sets : ‘The Wire’
Iron Towers : 3D Terrain Scans : Concept Art
'the Last Stand' : 2
'Mark it Zero!'
'Outbreak : Bay 17'
'12 Strong' : Movie Poster Concepts
'Agrius : Eclipse'
'Party Pad'
'the Last Stand'
'Agrius : Harvest Sector'
'Tortuga' : Concept Art
Plasma Tank
'the Mummy' Matte Painting
'The Orville' : Matte Painting
Concept Painting from 'Oz the Great and Powerful'
Photo Study : Time Lapse
Star Wars : The Old Republic - Matte Painting - Planet Korriban
'The Orville' : Matte Painting
'Auto Wash' : Lil Sets / 'the Fifth Element'
'The Orville' : Space Station Design
Dark Souls 2 : Matte Painting
'Red Tails' : Matte Painting
Concept Painting from 'Oz the Great and Powerful'
10 Cloverfield Lane : Space Ship Design
'Game of Thrones' Poster Design
'夜の襲撃 : Night Raid'
'Yogi Bear' : Matte Painting
'Fable : 3' :/ Matte Painting
'Fast & Furious 4' : Matte Painting
'Alice in Wonderland' Matte Painting
Photo Study : Amsterdam
Concept Painting from 'Oz the Great and Powerful'
'Elder Scrolls' Matte Painting
Party Bots!
Nano Submarine
Mech Fight!!!!!
Photo Study : Santa Monica ( time-lapse )
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